Hello happy 5th wheelers!
My husband and I are about to take on the exciting venture into our first home building experience, and through the process, we'd like to live in a 5th wheel on the property. We began looking at 5th wheels for sale, but the cost to buy one isn't making sense for us since we'd only have use for it for about 4 to 6 months.
While out shopping at RV dealerships, I started realizing how many people owned RVs and 5th wheels that they don't use most of the time, and began to consider how renting one from one of those people could be a win-win situation! The 5th wheel owners would get some extra cash, and we would solve our need to find a temporary living space for a few months while taking excellent care of the vehicle.
It would be just the two of us, we are nearing retirement age, we are not smokers, have no kids and no pets and would take exceptional care of your 5th wheel. Once moved to our secure, gated property in Vista, CA, it would stay in one place for the duration of the rental period, so risk of damage or accident is extremely limited. We are looking at this project to begin in February or March. The house is a simple 1200 square foot house and the builder has estimated 4 to 6 months for completion.
If you, or anyone you know may be interested in making some extra money while not using your 5th wheel over the next few months, please feel free to reach out so we can talk more about it.
Thank you and Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!!