[QUOTE=wingnut60;26119]Might try SuperbrightLEDs.com or m4.com for better quality. Yes, some of the 'paddle' styles are hard to insert.
Lots of info on above sites to explain lumens/color/brightness.
Did all the lights on my previous '05 and did not have any problem with light output with the cool white units. Warm white may not be as bright...[/QUO
You know wingnut60, I did look at SuperbrightLEDs. I may have got what I paid for on ebay, inexpensive caca. SuperbrightLED look to be of much better quality and specs albeit much higher in price. The lumen are impressive and they are upfront. None of this "Super Bright" stuff. I have 4 double overhead fixtures in the main cabin. I can buy 520 lumen LEDs from them. That would give me the equivalent of of almost 4 100w light bulbs. Unless someone else pipes in with something else, yours may well be a good lead. Thanks!