Interior Lights & AC in-op
Please HELP!
I have mischief making twins and they decided to create a 'pool' in the master bedroom near the sink of a McKenzie Montana first year they made it. (not mine so sorry I don't know more than make & model). The water was to the extent that it was dripping out of the side where the sink is. At the same time they had every interior light on as well as the heat/ A/C unit.
Now none of the interior lights work, "porch" light doesn't work, the AC no longer works, and the antenna socket (think that's what it's called so T.V. will work) no longer works. However, every outlet works.
We've tried resetting all the breakers which only corrected the outlets.
My mother-in-law and I would really rather NOT get her husband involved if possible.
Any ideas? Could the water be related to lights not working?
All help woul be GREATLY appreciated!
Thank you.