I have received the 2008 Royal Price List and see that the prices have gone up 10% on the rig ie. Reliance XT4 2007 - 171,900. and 2008 - 190,018. The cabinet hardwood upgrade and granite countertops have increased 25% . Everything else is 15% increased over all other options. Even 15% increase on the same lcd tv's as last year. (But everyone knows that the lcd's are dropping in retail 25 -40% in the stores.)
I don't have anything to compare to for previous years, but is this increase common with Teton each year? I can see some increases on individual options but find 15% across the board not well thought out on Tetons part. Comments??
I don't have anything to compare to for previous years, but is this increase common with Teton each year? I can see some increases on individual options but find 15% across the board not well thought out on Tetons part. Comments??