I'm new to RV'ing and my pilot background makes me a route planning nerd, so I invested in RV Life Pro. No regrets so far, well worth the money in my opinion.
I also made the mistake of signing up for Road Trippers on a 7 day trail basis which required me to use my credit card. After trying to use it for less than two hours, I didn't like how it was laid out, so I canceled the subscription. Come to find out, after several back and forth emails with them, they refused to refund my money as I used a coupon code for Black Friday and thus I was not eligible for a refund on my 'free 7 day trial'
Needless to say, that was frustrating. The only thing I liked about Road Trippers is the function that displays any type of stop along your trip that may be historical or worthy of a stop and visit, such as Graceland or Opryland.
Even without that feature, I am happy with RV LIFE Pro