John Harrelson
Advanced Member
To all my brother and sister veterans, may your day be filled with peace.
It matters not what flag the veteran followed as much as that he followed it for the love of his country..
Canada's "Remembrance Day" or America's "Veterans Day"
We are brothers and sisters bound together in peace and understanding..
My brother in the past do not dwell
memories will make your nights a hell
Peace now reigns with it's so days bright
with gentle dreams and peaceful nights
JOHN "the cook" 1999 ©
It matters not what flag the veteran followed as much as that he followed it for the love of his country..
Canada's "Remembrance Day" or America's "Veterans Day"
We are brothers and sisters bound together in peace and understanding..
My brother in the past do not dwell
memories will make your nights a hell
Peace now reigns with it's so days bright
with gentle dreams and peaceful nights
JOHN "the cook" 1999 ©