Six ft square, I've never done anything that big, see what you can find on line, maybe some thin plywood glassed over would work. An area that big will need some kind of support, is there a frame anywhere to attack to? I'm just kind of thinking out loud. I'm sure its doable it is just a big area. I've done boats where I feathered the edges of the good glass, made a backing of chicken wire and built from there. the first layer of glass you lay becomes the outer wall and then you go inside and build up for strength. Or you can lay the first layer on the inside and build out. Either was you will want several layers of cloth. As to matching the color good luck. If it's 18 years old it will be pretty hard to match even with the OR codes because of fading. You might try looking in to gel coat. I've never used it but it's sprayed on like paint. I've also been told there is some way to finish the outside using waxed paper and resin but you will have to look that one up. I've not done that just been told about it. Good luck and let us know how you come out. I love projects that seem undoable. It's kinda like a personal