Regarding the downspouts from Camping World...they still sell them. I heard about the clothespin trick, but it is a ways up there to put on a pin each trip.
I thought they were a little expensive, for what they are, (plus shipping), so I made my own. Guess what? Each one gallon jug of milk or Clorox has one downspout ready for use. Get a sharp knife, and cut off about 3" of the handle, and trim the larger end, (the part of the handle coming from the body of the jug), to fit the existing spout on your trailer. Then, run a screw through the newly created spout extension and attach it to the bottom of the trailer spout.
Now, you have a freebie spout extension. I have had mine on for 2 months, and 1,800 miles, and have zero streaks on the sides of the trailer. Heck, if they blow away, I betcha I can make s'more, real fast.