Well Crazy, I thought your question would get opinions flowing out the woodwork. I can't imagine why that didn't happen. If you ask people face to face, they are usually happy to tell you about their experiences with one brand or another.
It seems to me that a particular brand doesn't mean as much in the used market. Heck, it doesn't mean much in the new market either. They all seem to try to get by on the cheap everywhere you look. And if you want more than "cheap", you have to pay extra for it.
If I were in the market for something like you seem to be looking for, I would ask what works and what doesn't work. Check for hot water, on-board pump working from fresh water tank. Cracks in the tires, inflation pressure. Check air conditioners function and when was the last service done. If generator is installed, let's hear it run. You really don't care about last oil change. You're going to change the oil and filter right away anyway.
If hydraulic leveling jacks, retract them all. Then go to hooking or hitch height and press the auto level if so equipped. Check the oil level in the hydraulic oil tank. Look around the compartment for evidence of leaks, or a recent clean-up. Rub your bare hand over the compartment panels. No one is going to clean all of the oil up after a leak has sprayed hydraulic oil all over the place. There is a thin film of it left behind. Then look at all jacks.
Check the batteries. Are they corroded a bit, or a lot. Are they FLA batteries, or sealed deep cycle AGM batteries. If they are FLA, chances are they may be original and will need to be replaced very soon. If they are AGM deep cycle, you likely will have some time left on them. They didn't come from the builder. They've been replaced.
Do all of the doors seem to close and latch properly? do any seem to be out of square with the jamb all around?
The white membrane roofing material is only given a life of about 11 years before you'll need to have it replaced. Can you say "Ka-Ching"??? I would bet those in the area you're looking have not replaced that membrane.
Check the awnings run them out and back in. The awning material could last three to five years. Water is a killer, and so is leaving them out when you should have retracted them and the wind sort of started some damage and it tore more over later uses. If you leave them retracted and don't deploy them to let them dry out, you will have mold on them. That's not a good thing.
Make sure all the lights work. Primarily the driving lights, but of course, all indoor lighting should work also.
Just tear it up and perhaps the seller may cut a lot of money off their asking price and give you a really low price to take it "As is."
Anyway, let me know how you come out. I assume you haven't bought another one yet.
Happy Trails