Thread: factory repair
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Old 04-12-2007, 07:21 AM   #13
Gunship Guy
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 238
Actually, I'm very thick skinned. I just don't understand why you tried to point out that something I said was "wrong" when everything I mentioned was accurate. For example: a "capable" dealer can fix a trailer. If no "capable" dealer can be found then a trip to the factory is appropriate. Also, the factory is not required to pay for a hotel. If they do then it's a good will gesture on their part. I did not ever say they won't pay for someones hotel expenses.

Now, please tell me what I said was "wrong".

You tried, and failed, to turn my post into something negative by attempting to find an error in my words. You habitually try to refute people in this forum and go out of your way to let it be known (in an annoyingly repetitive way) that you are not happy with your trailer or the fact that Doubletree won't pay for repairs on your trailer that's way out of warranty. (Just a note...when you call the factory try not to yell and curse them out so much. That way they might be more willing to assist you.)

Your turn. My skin can take it. But just try to stick with facts this time. Otherwise, you'll just be proving my point.
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