View Full Version : Cracked glass closet door

06-09-2007, 12:18 PM
2005 tk3 closet door clip broke in moving rv and resulted in one door with cracked glass. Has any one experanced this problem and how did you resolve. I would like to order replacement but do not know the supplier of this product. Help Please

06-10-2007, 09:28 AM
You might be able to contact a local glass and mirror shop to get a replacement but it would be iffy on matching the pattern. I'd contact DT and ask them who supplied the mirrors they used and what the pattern name was. You might be able to either find the same thing locally or by ordering it from the source.

FWIW one of our clips broke and frankly I wasn't unhappy about it. They are a major PITA to use. Now we use a spring rod to hold the doors in place and have been having good luck with that for about a year now. I need to order a couple more of those plastic clips and just keep them on hand for trading time.

06-10-2007, 09:29 AM
Monday morning I would contact Kent and ask him who he would have you call. I'm sure he knows that answer.