View Full Version : Next Chapter for 5th Wheel Forums!

Andy R
05-13-2015, 08:05 PM
As you all can see 5th Wheel Forums has been spruced up. I acquired the site from Mike and it is now part of Social Knowledge a company I started 10+ years ago. We run some other well know RV forums such as www.iRV2.com, www.ForestRiverForums.com, www.RedwoodOwners.com and www.CrossroadOwners.com. The activity level here on this site sure has diminished over the years but we hope that with some TLC we can get people talking again.

You will see some folks from my team around the site. Janet H works with mods/admins to make sure the sites are running okay. Tech Admin (Jeff) works on software and the server. Interface Admin (Andy S) helps make sure everything is pretty.

Normally we would have done our announcement prior to such a major software platform change. My apologies for springing this on you without warning. To be honest, Mike and I simply forgot and the weeks passed by. It was last night when we remembered and I haven't heard back from Mike so we decided to move forward and post this announcement after the big change.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

05-13-2015, 09:54 PM
I agree that the traffic count has severely diminished on this forum--this one USED to have most of the Suites owners involved, but something has changed that now most of them are on the SOITC site.
The new look is great, and good to get rid of the old sections that never had postings.
Hope you have great success.

05-14-2015, 09:45 AM
Welcome Andy!
Maureen, Percy and I had a great time with the Forums. Thanks to all the readers and advertisers.
The new look is GREAT!

05-15-2015, 07:08 AM
Many thanks to Mike and Percy for all the hard work and supplying such a great forum! This forum has always been to straight shooting no cheer leading place to get great results! Hope to see it continue and bring more good folks to join in.

New look is nice. Also mobile friendly.


05-19-2015, 12:05 AM
I agree that the traffic count has severely diminished on this forum--this one USED to have most of the Suites owners involved, but something has changed that now most of them are on the SOITC site.
The new look is great, and good to get rid of the old sections that never had postings.
Hope you have great success.

It appears that the SOITC board is down for some reason. There appears to be no explanation of the issue or problem provided when attempting to log on. Perhaps SOITC members will migrate to this forum. The look and feel of this forum is indeed impressive.

Gunship Guy
05-19-2015, 06:35 AM
Disclosure: I let my paid membership to SOITC expire earlier this year. I saw zero advantage in renewing. However, I'm a big fan of DRV.

The SOITC forum has been down for days and, as Dogpaws mentioned, no explanation from the Admins.

I know they desire to see their paid membership list grow, however, this is no way to go about it. This is just a continuation of problems with the way SOITC operates their website. Most of the site is outdated, by years, and the most popular part of the site is shut down without a simple word as to why.

A slap in the face to the paid members and makes others thinking of joining that, maybe, they should hang onto their money.

05-19-2015, 01:37 PM
The SOITC forum has had numerous issues over this last year. It's been slow and this notice came across their FACEBOOK page.

https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-1/p50x50/1511536_10152123480474570_689298498_n.jpg?oh=f8761 fbc00635156f3e9fb5db9e97ec4&oe=5600D727&__gda__=1443703986_72f9a9f43e9cf55c10ea43ace244737 3 (https://www.facebook.com/pages/SOITC-Suites-Owners-International-Travel-Club-Inc/295267119569)

SOITC (Suites Owners International Travel Club, Inc.) (https://www.facebook.com/pages/SOITC-Suites-Owners-International-Travel-Club-Inc/295267119569?fref=nf)

May 12 at 9:47pm (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10153291057704570&id=295267119569) ·

If you notice a slow down on the form we are having some issues with the server and software. Please understand this problem will take some time to rectify.

Andy R
05-19-2015, 04:16 PM
Sorry to hear they are having problems with their site. We would be glad to host their club discussions here if desired. Forums seem simple but they can be complex to manage. Especially when you rely on volunteers to keep them running year-after-year. We've been managing forums for a decade, testing our backups, trying to do things right so the knowledge that is shared can be available for a long long time.

Janet H
05-19-2015, 04:30 PM
It appears that the SOITC board is down for some reason. There appears to be no explanation of the issue or problem provided when attempting to log on. Perhaps SOITC members will migrate to this forum. The look and feel of this forum is indeed impressive.

Welcome to the forum, glad you found us :)

05-19-2015, 10:07 PM
Got this from using the Info request form:


We are having growth issues with the web server and we are out of room to store more information. It may be down for awhile until we can make the right decision as to where we go at this time.

Everett Ellwitz, President SOITC

On May 19, 2015, at 1:00 PM, wrote:

Have not been able to access the forum for several days. Any particular reason? When will it be back in action?
Joe Dobry

Army Guy
05-20-2015, 06:59 AM
Love the new look. Looking forward to reading the posts and information it provides. Continue the good work. Thanks,