View Full Version : Silverware storage?

12-16-2011, 10:24 AM
We move from place to place maybe more than many others. We find our silverware chafing, resulting in black powder on the utensils and in the drawer. It's not a lot if we wipe the pieces down when we stop but is one of those things we would rather not have to do. Is there a type of flatware that is better for a RV or maybe a better way of storage?

12-16-2011, 10:43 AM
We use our Onieda set that I started while in HS. We only have a few black streaks after 3 yrs in the Suite.

Is it the location of your drawer? If I recall, the silverware drawer slides under when the kitchen slide is pulled in. Might be road dust. You could easily get some cloth pouches to transfer them to during transit. E-bay has some low cost silver storage bags.

12-16-2011, 05:26 PM
Our 38 RL3 with the island top drawer being used for flatware did the same thing it's caused by the drawer being relatively high up and the island moving laterally according to tilting of the rig due to road camber.

The flat-ware is jostled about quite a bit so it abrades itself and leaves those black powdery deposits in the bottom of the drawer. Short of paper towel wrapping the darn things to isolate them from each other there's really no way to stop this unless you store the flatware in a different manner or location.

12-16-2011, 09:12 PM
six seasons in our used TK3 and my wife has never complained about this.
Not sure what to suggest...maybe our stuff is too cheap to rub off.

12-17-2011, 09:16 AM
We too have not had any noticeable wear with our set of Onieda USA.

12-17-2011, 01:10 PM
We also have this issue but like Bruce said, it is mainly in the small island upper drawers. We relocated out cultlery to the top drawer next to the fridge abd stove. Much less issue. We use the other drawer as a junk drawer and plastic in the rest of the island drawers.
